Write-up by Goldhunter:
Muscle Gauge can now be generated on wild mons…early game is no longer a weak point in buffsquito’s life. Having access to full gauge Fell Stingers anytime you want makes your secures CHONKY and gives a LOT more killing pressure. Muscle makes filling up that bar and having that full power hit on demand much easier..
This also goes for lvl 5 and beyond, where you can “pre-cook” your gauge on wilds and immediately use a full power Superpower right from the start…nightmare fuel bug. This also allows you to do a combo of Full gauge Superpower > Smackdown > Full gauge Superpower, which now has a bit more downtime than before and isn’t the true combo we knew and feared before, due to Superpower not FULLY resetting upon Gauge fill now.
Once you hit 5, Superpower is quite a hell of a power spike, so look for a fight or bully enemies off of bees for your allies to secure.
About: Muscle Gauge
Welcome to dude bros teaching sessions, today we’re learning about the Muscle Gauge that hovers under Buzzwole’s HP bar. Buzzwole’s gimmick is all about this gauge so pay attention. When Buzzwole uses an auto or his move 2 (Smack-Down or Lunge), he will gain some meter if this hits wild Pokémon or enemies. Upon using move 1 (Superpower or Leech Life), the entire bar will be consumed, giving more buffs to that slot. Superpower gains more damage, Leech Life lasts longer. Depending on how much bar you had (up to 6), these effects will be better.
Early Game:
Buzzwole is a force to be reckoned with in the early game due to his strong secure in Fell Stinger and overall toughness to take down. However, do keep in mind Fell Stinger can still be blocked by enemy Pokémon. Your job in early is to get 2 bunnies (3/4 if with exp share Pokémon) and see if stacking is allowed or not. Mons to be wary about if/when stacking: Swinub, Chansey, Alolan Vulpix, Hoopa, Rowlet, Zacian, Snorlax, Gible, Goomy, Absol, Buzzwole, Scorbunny, Duraludon, Eldegoss, Mew(Eball only), Sableye(If 6 points, possible), Pikachu. These mons threaten you with either better secure,cc chaining or massive damage. But even against these characters you still threaten them enough this early where they aren’t exactly wanting to fight you.
Mid/Late game:
During the mid game and late game, Buzzwole will drastically fall off due to other mons getting their power spikes and being able to fuck around with his main flaws such as, not being able to close gaps, very slow and cc chainable. You will probably find yourself in unfortunate situations where you’re up against trev,espeon and the like which you just can’t get in on due to their massive cc chains and high damage output. But don’t worry, your muscles can beat any kind of magic! In these types of cases, instead of trying to force the engage, wait for the enemies to engage on you and get that defender into the ground. You can also go for a flank angle against certain comps but that is usually not going to happen so don’t force it!
About: Buzzwole Combos:
Wow, combos in MY unite game? Yes indeed. Buzzwole at lvl 11 with Superpower will get Superpower’s cooldown reduced by 3 seconds if he fills his Muscle Gauge to full. And with smack-down this can lead to come filthy cc combos with absurd damage, with very little downtime in between. First, lead with a Superpower, if it lands immediately go for a Smack Down after and throw them up, hit the auto button once as this lets you creep out just a bit more Muscle Gauge. Recast Smack Down and hit auto again, this will give you 4 Muscle Gauge bars, meaning you’ll only need 2 more autos (or one boosted auto double-hit) to get a full power Superpower and will have your opponents ripping their hair out! At 13, you won’t need those extra 2 autos after the Smack Down to have a full Gauge, however just be aware that your Superpower cooldown may not completely be up by that time and will need another second or so, so there is a window for retaliation. But that’s not all with our buzzy friend! There’s an alternative combo with your unite move too! Superpower -> Smack-Down. Do not recast Smack-Down for this next part. After you hit someone up, immediately go for your Ultra Swole Slam and crush them with ease! Speaking of Ultra Swole Slam…
About Ultra Swole Slam:
Buzzwoles unite move is a bit weird. Guess you could say it’s a bit ultra weird. Buzzwole will throw himself forward in a line, hitting enemies along the way, through all the enemies buzzwole has hit,he will look for the target with the lowest amount of hp, he will then dive for them and slam his fist into the ground, the person hit with this will take massive damage and this move has a 50% execute. This move should only really be used as a finisher, HOWEVER. Into certain mons like delphox who are slippery, Eject into Ultra swole Slam will cover enough distance to get the lock on to Del and let you chase her. Side note:The final part of Ultra Swole Slam can be ejected away from.
Superpower scaling is 523% with a full muscle gauge, so you DEFINITELY want to put Weight/WP somewhere in your build. He may even be able to run triple dmg to just do both, we shall see. You run WP in addition to weight to fully lean into that Superpower nuke, as well as Muscle to make building gauge faster AND get more boosted autos for sustain.
Lunge vs Smackdown:
Lunge allows you to still have some output and chasing even if enemies have a ton of unstoppable, something Smackdown can’t say. However, Smackdown is excellent ambush material, as well as being effective into frontlines that come to YOU (no gapclosing needed) where you can just Smack the tank INTO the backlines and the Superpower them to infinity and beyond. So depends on if mobility or frontline brawling is more needed.
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