+ Snipe Shot has massive long range burst damage potential on a fairly spammable cooldown and charge time. NOTHING wants to take a Snipe Shot.
+ Liquidation offers potent sure hit rip damage while still being able to walk and use Acrobatics during its barrage for extra safety.
+ If Inteleon is loaded up with crit charges from Sniper , it’s closer to mid range fighting without its skills is still passable hard hitting crit autos.
+ Has excellent mobility options for a ranged character in Acrobatics and Fell Stinger .
+ Has some of the best laning in the game due to crit Water Gun being some of the highest burst damage in the earlygame.
+ Azure Spy Vision offers high DPS potential and important vision of enemies during its duration.
+ The pseudo stealth offered by Sniper isn’t perfect, but can very much be enough to make you tough to spot if enemies are preoccupied with something else or help you avoid sure hits and auto attacks.
– Squishy.
– While it can be worked around, Snipe Shot’s combination of a very thin hitbox, it revealing Inteleon’s position through its aiming laser, and not being able to move while charging makes it what is probably by far the hardest skillshot in the game to consistently land.
– Snipe Shot can also be bodyblocked by enemy players, which can sometimes make it difficult to snipe objectives or your desired targets without good positioning.
– Very reliant on Sniper’s crit charges to do good damage, making good management of your charges and cooldowns is important for good output.
– Although Liquidation’s damage output is high, it takes some time for it to really start racking up and you’re unable to use your regular autos for burst in its duration. It is also vulnerable to being cancelled by CC.
Build + Gameplay
Items: Slick Spoon , Wise Glasses , Choice Specs or Curse Incense / – Slick Spoon + Wise Glasses are going to be your bread and butter special attack items here for increasing your damage output. Because of crits basically making all your scalings 2.5x, you actually have quite good scalings on your moves plus Inteleon’s big special attack number for great value on Wise Glasses.
– Choice Specs is still a great choice as a third special attack item for getting some bigger secures in lane and extra damage on some Liquidation casts. You also should be running this if you’re playing blind pick and plan on being able to flex between both Snipe Shot and Liquidation. – Curse Incense is a great new option to use of Choice Specs due to the constant bullet rain of Liquidation and more auto attacks weaved in in Liquidation’s gameflow that enables good uptime on the antiheal effect. Liquidation HURTS, so being able to reduce the healing that someone can get while getting hit by it can be huge for closing out more kills. Technically not bad with Snipe Shot as well, but definitely far better with Liquidation. Battle Item: Eject Button
– Old reliable for backline carries. Snap repositions good!
– Full Heal may be a solid alternative option for making sure you don’t get stunned out of Liquidation. Emblems: 7 Black + 6 Green
– More special attack. Faster cooldowns. Use moves more. More damage.
About: Sniperand Crit Charges
When staying near a wall for 1 second, Inteleon becomes camouflaged where it takes on a a harder to see look, cannot be targeted by sure hits and auto attacks, and is slowed by 10%. Hitting an enemy or farm while in camouflage takes Inteleon out of it and Inteleon cannot reenter camouflage until not hitting anything for 3 seconds.
When Inteleon enters camouflage, it immediately gains a crit charge indicated by the diamond marks under its HP bar when playing as it. While in camouflage, it gains an additional crit charge every 3 seconds.
Crit charges can also be gained through using Acrobatics or Fell Stinger . Acrobatics gives one charge immediately on use and another if it hits a wall or enemy. Fell Stinger gives 2 crit charges immediately upon hitting a wall with it.
Using an auto attack , Snipe Shot , or Liquidation consumes a single crit charge and makes the move a guaranteed crit. This is pretty juicy on Inteleon, since Inteleon’s critical hits do 2.5x damage instead of the usual 2x.
About: Earlygame
Water Gun with a crit charge from Sniper is currently mathematically the highest secure range in the game after items are factored in. You can effortlessly secure Indeedees from a little over half its HP with a crit Water Gun or blow an enemy player up with it. Water Gun does come in 3 ticks, but the ticks come quickly enough to where someone outsecuring you through them isn’t a big concern.
If you don’t have a crit charge already built up, no worries! Tearful Look has you covered. Casting it on a farm or player immediately gives you a free crit charge that you can use for Water Gun.
Remember that using autos also consumes your crit charges though. This can be nice as an emergency burst option if your Water Gun falls short or is on cooldown, but it also means that if you have to rip the farm with autos yourself, you’ll be consuming your crit charges while doing so. Be sure to have Tearful Look saved up for these moments so you can still tap into Water Gun’s obscene burst on demand.
About: Azure Spy Vision Azure Spy Vision can be used for when it’s safe to play like a more traditional ADC or other times when you really need to start using your auto attacks such as dive situations or ripping objectives. For 10.5 seconds, this ult doubles your crit rate and gives you one crit charge per second, letting you go absolutely ham with chunky crit autos for a bit and not need to use the usual means of gaining crit charges.
The other important part of this Azure Spy Vison that synergizes nicely with Snipe Shot’s playstyle is the fact that it gives you vision of enemies in stealth or in bushes in an area around you. This can help with helping you nail people hiding in a bush or give you advance vision of divers so you can play around them better. 10.5 seconds is a pretty long time too! Usually though, it’s best used as a means of pumping out close range combat in closer confrontations where you won’t be able to reliably get off Snipe Shot.
Liquidation also very much appreciates this ult and arguably more than Snipe Shot does. Liquidation’s more midrange focused playstyle allows it to flow into activating Azure Spy Vision offensively more easily, and the sure hit targeting of Liquidation allows for safe targeting of people hiding in bushes.
Moveset 1 - Best
News: Fell Stinger’s buffs are insane and solidified it as the move to always play with Snipe Shot, giving Inteleon an even more endless supply of crit charges that enables better auto attack fighting and even better movement.
Snipe Shot is hard but powerful!– How to improve accuracy!
Snipe Shot is the longest range skillshot in the game with some VERY high burst damage in the game when used with a crit charge. It ignores some Sp. Def, does more damage the longer distance you are, maxing out at 50-60% of your Snipe Shot’s range. This makes Snipe Shots be able to take some huge chunks out of even tanks and the charging time to max power is much faster than something like Spirit Shackle, letting you be able to pump out full power shots a lot more quickly. This is a high skill, but high reward moveset that can absolutely devastate teams with good accuracy.
With all this power, comes a lot of downsides. Despite the longer range and faster projectile speed, actually hitting this move is HARD. The hitbox is very thin, meaning that you need to be very precise with your aim. You also cannot move while charging up Snipe Shot , which means that you’re a bit more vulnerable to surprise dives and can’t use movement to help you line up your aim. Snipe Shot also cannot pierce through enemy players (it can still pierce wilds Pokemon and objectives!), which means that you have to take a more flank position if you want to hit something behind enemy frontliners, although Snipe Shot’s damage on tanky frontliners is still brutal. This move also has random spread on its accuracy if you don’t charge it up for long enough, which makes quick tap Snipe Shots a pure gamble if they’re not directly on top of you.
Another huge drawback to play around is that the enemy team can see a red line that shows where you’re aiming while charging. This reveals your position and where you’re targeting, which can not only put you in danger, but also make it easier for people to juke your shots out.
Without ado, here are the tips for hitting shots more often!
To play around the downside of the aiming laser revealing your aim, aim behind you when starting Snipe Shot, then do a 180 flick back around to aim at your target once fully charged. This takes some practice, but gives the enemy much less time of actually seeing the red line that gives you away. You also don’t need to do a whole 180 flick. Just starting your aim off to the side of the fight then going onto the enemies can also work well and may be more comfortable for some.
Play off slows and stuns that happen during fights to help you get really easy shots off. Doing this often will often come down to just being a little patient and delaying your shot for a moment so you can time it with another person’s engage/stun or distraction. This kinda follows the general principle of finding situations where difficult to land things become easy to land.
Camera check ahead! Especially easy to do on switch, pan your camera ahead to where you want to shoot so you can see everything better and hold it there while you charge your shot. This is just a generally important skill to have as long range mons like Inteleon, Decidueye, Venusaur, and Mew and it will go a long way for helping your gameplay in general.
Partially charged shots (quickscopes) may be rigged. You would be VERY surprised at just how often halfwayish or more charged shots hit at even mid ranges despite the spread. Very handy to know for if you need to quickly shoot something before it gets out of range, behind a teammate, to get away from something else, etc. If you’re shooting at something that’s straight up out of vision range and you have zero clue what their exact position is other than that they’re in the general spot, partial charge shots are also fine since guaranteeing pinpoint accuracy doesn’t matter here. Damage on Snipe Shot is also tied to distance, not charging time, so if you do hit one of these, you’re not actually losing any damage.
This is a difficult move to get effective output out of, but the theoretical output of someone able to consistently hit these is massive. Even if you miss a lot of shots, as long as you hit an okay amount and hit them when it counts you’ll still be doing alright because of how often you can shoot if you’re in a safe position. Good luck!
Combat as Snipe Shot Inteleon
If you’re already experienced with sniper characters like Mew or Decidueye, you should already have a good feel for how these sorts of characters should be positioning and it becomes a matter of getting yourself mechanically situated with Snipe Shot. If you don’t already know, play to your huge range, stay behind your frontliners while keeping them in arm’s reach for peel if applicable, and getting vision of enemy divers is very important before starting to shoot your shots.
While Fell Stinger is easier to spam for faster long distance movement and constant crit charges with repeated wall hits, you still want to keep that off cooldown as much as you can to escape danger at a moment’s notice. If you aren’t able to do so, be sure to play closer to your defender. Both moves in general want to be able to play closer to walls for maximum crit charge gain, access to camouflage, and favorable escapes. Fell Stinger depends on Eject Button to get over walls, which is a very potent play to have on hand for escaping divers after they expended their dash. Camouflage is also particularly handy on Snipe Shot, as your camouflage doesn’t go away until you actually hit something, letting you be able to stay camouflaged while charging.
The general gameflow is taking some shots, then using Fell Stinger for self peel, repositioning away, or refilling crit charges as needed. Stay hidden as much as you can and being in camouflage a lot can help a bit with avoiding detection.
Don’t forget that your crit charge autos exist too in closer quarters fights, finishing off low HP enemies, when hitting Snipe Shot is too hard, or you have to fight while you’re out of Snipe Shots. These still do very respectable damage, can’t miss, and still have a chance to crit randomly if you’re down on crit charges. They can also be a nice secure option in a pinch if you don’t have time to set up Snipe Shot. You can often hit a Snipe Shot on someone running at you, then finishing them off with autos instead of trying to bank on another Snipe Shot hit. All of this is ESPECIALLY true with the recent buffs to Fell Stinger giving you 2 crit charges on demand now, which basically doubles your auto attack output in many situations and can help make up for some missed Snipe Shots.
Moveset 2
Liquidate Their Healthbars!
More of a midranged rip damage focused set that provides a very unique and powerful space of being a character that can offer this as a laner without being especially EXP hungry and/or having a weak early. In a similar nature to Glaceon’s Icicle Spear, Liquidation is a sure hit cast that has Inteleon start fingergunning out rapid fire water bullets that tracks people down at infinite ranges provided they don’t get body blocked by players. You can still walk around (albeit at reduced speeds) and be able to cast Acrobatics while during Liquidation’s barrage as well for extra positioning power. You just can’t auto attack while using Liquidation, so keep that in mind for when you need to burst down weaken enemies or secure an objective.
Optimal damage Liquid combo:
– Start with 3 critstacks
– Liquidation > auto > Acrobatics > auto > auto > Liquidation.
The damage from this move can get very high after running its full course. Even tanks don’t want to be taking hits from Liquidation. An important feature to keep in mind is that if something takes 5 or more projectiles out of the 8 in total (10 at Liquidation+ learned at 13) fired from this move, they’ll take 20% extra damage from Inteleon for the next 3 seconds. This makes this set great at at shredding down single targets with Liquidation and auto attacks.
Something else to look out for is that unlike Icicle Spear, Liquidation’s barrage can get cancelled out entirely by stuns. You’ll also be put back on full cooldown if the target you’re using Liquidation on dies, so try to avoid targeting Liquidation on things that are already about to die to a crit auto instead.
Rip through targets with Liquidation , hit crit autos , and dash around with Acrobatics to kite, escape, and/or get more crit charges. Pretty straightforward.
You also CANNOT use Fell Stinger during Liquidation unlike Acrobatics. It is still usable with Liquidation and the faster crit charge generation can be very helpful in some scenarios, but not being able to cast it while casting Liquidation is a big point against it.
Favourable Matchup:
These are Pokémon that our team has determined INTELEON is strong against. INTELEON will generally be able to shut down these opponents playstyle's or have the advantage in a one on one fight.
Unfavourable Matchup:
These are Pokémon that our team has determined INTELEON is weak against. These Pokémon will have the upper hand in a fight or be able to exploit INTELEON's weaknesses.
PSA: THE GUIDE IS NO LONGER MANAGED OR UPDATED IN ANY FORM, AND WILL NOT BE FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE. Joe thanks everyone for their support (and ad revenue ;) ) and hope the site helped improve their play and hopes you kids enjoy your lives. We encourage you to use the information here in combination with Unite-DB and Mathcord as a jumping off point for your own builds.
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