+ Lvl 4 power spike allows for some early lane pressure quickly
+ Good sustain thru self heals from both sets
+ Very oppressive 1v1 damage with perma-crits
+ Super low cd Unite that facilitates dives
– Very poor Marill phase can make it difficult to hit that lvl 4 evo
– No reliable secure to speak of
– Relatively slow for his role, struggles to engage on targets without Unite
– Damage is significantly mitigated if enemies group up and prevent perma-crits
We're proud to feature our pal Glyde Borealis's Pokémon Spotlight Videos to help players get familiar with their movesets and play styles. He's been doing excellent work creating informative videos and has even partnered with prominent members of the community to show off Unite's exciting cast of characters.
Please keep in mind, builds or items recommended in these videos may be out of date. Always refer to the title card section for the most up to date build recommendations.
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