Spoon *can* be a triple dmg option over Amp here, for two reasons. One, it helps with early game damage and secures much more, and makes your lvl 5 spike much more dangerous. And two, not EVERY target you attack will always have the Psychic debuff on them thru the match…and on those occasions, Spoon will then help those raw Psyshocks/FS’s nuke anytime anyplace anywhere.
Nerdy Wise Glasses
Provides raw damage with zero risk
Curse Incense
Able to spread around with high uptime and apply tons of pad pressure with Psychic’s lingering hitbox and Psyshock’s multihit
Energy Amp
Garde has a decently low ult energy requirement and ccs enemies with a whirlpool of space juice, allowing for Garde’s moves to get free hits on enemies who get caught in Garde ult, since you can cast moves while ult goes. Amp allows you to get big value with all this damage
Provides consistent special damage and additional burst on secures from proc
- Remember that Teleport gives you a free boosted auto, so a good early game dmg option can be boosted > TP > boosted to help your meager damage.
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