+ Great early game, with Rock Slide being an outplay tool as a long range huge area cc, while Fury Cutter does decent damage and low cooldown for decent fighting power
+ Can hard deny mons that don’t have dashes with Rock Tomb, infinite and creative uses for a solid wall creation to trap or block enemies on low cooldown
+ Decent early powerspike at level 4
+ Anti-melee ult with closeup, lethal, revenge damage
Weaknesses: – Early game secure is not the best for his role
– No sustain, and mitigation relies on being low health
– Very immobile on Rock Tomb sets, causing Crustle to inevitably get hit a LOT
Build + Gameplay
Early game is mostly a matter of using Rock Slide is the most aggravating way possible. Dwebble’s secure is a little poopie compared to other lane tanks, so your job will mainly be to zone off enemies from getting the neutral wilds, and timing your Rock Slides to stun them RIGHT when they go to secure something. A ranged 1sec stun like that is pretty nuts for early game. shoot for secures while stunning enemies, sometimes incorporating the damage of Rock Slide itself into the secure.
Unfortunately while lvl 4 is a nice stat spike in your defensives and HP pool, you are upgrading your non-damaging move, so you’ll still require help from your lanmate to get things done.
Rock Tomb can either save a teammate, spell doom for an overextended enemy, or block off a friend in a bad space all at the same time. This is a very high-judgment and polarizing move, but when used right can really be a difference maker. (It also can make some surprise farm secures with its huge range if the enemy isn’t expecting it, believe it or not.)
Rock Tomb Tank Set
More flat HP for tanking with, and makes your ultimate have the fattest shield in the world for maximum longevity
You are a tank wear the badge thingy
Supplementing your lanemate to always get 100% exp from every piece of farm is so broken, just do it.
Shell Smash peepeepoo sets
Crustle has indubitably sizable ratios on its X Scissor, which makes power lifting extremely appetizing for this hermit crab. watch as your crab grows to the size of a small portable home at max stacks.
Crustle’s eyesight is rather poor, so equipping scope lens gives Crustle the crit rate to utilize X Scissor’s ability to opportunistically crit.
This stupid piece of metal makes Crustle’s claws sharp. it also adds some flat atk and extra damage pressure in lane for fighting, along with being mega boosted by Shell Smash later in the game.
Moveset 1 - Best
Level 6 is where you become a character. X-Scissor by itself really hurts and will threaten any squishy that gets tagged by it, but the real magic is in the wall stun portion of it. Pushing any enemies (YES PLURAL) into a wall with X-Sciss will stun them all for 1.5 secs on top of the fat damage. Now you’re probably saying to yourself “yeah sounds great Joe, as if people just hang around walls all day like Danny Zuko in Grease…”
Well timmy, guess what, pull your head out of your hermit crab shell because you have a wall in your pocket that you can throw out on a 5sec cd in Rock Tomb. Place that forbidden croissant anywhere you like and tripleslap things into it and be the frontlining tank your mama raised you to be.
Moveset 2
Will fill later but basically same idea as main set, but Stealth Rocks helps apply pressure into more range-heavy comps that you can’t reasonably reach with X-Scissor. Combining Tomb wall with a Stealth Rock field makes it extremely hard for immobile mages to get out of the blender, and gives Curse Bangle high uptime (especially on goalpad pushes).
Favourable Matchup:
These are Pokémon that our team has determined CRUSTLE is strong against. CRUSTLE will generally be able to shut down these opponents playstyle's or have the advantage in a one on one fight.
These are Pokémon that our team has determined CRUSTLE is weak against. These Pokémon will have the upper hand in a fight or be able to exploit CRUSTLE's weaknesses.
PSA: THE GUIDE IS NO LONGER MANAGED OR UPDATED IN ANY FORM, AND WILL NOT BE FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE. Joe thanks everyone for their support (and ad revenue ;) ) and hope the site helped improve their play and hopes you kids enjoy your lives. We encourage you to use the information here in combination with Unite-DB and Mathcord as a jumping off point for your own builds.
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