+ Able to safely build mega gauge on enemies from afar.
+ With massive range and AoE on autos with a potent slow, your safety and DPS potential increases massively once you reach mega .
+ Attack speed during mega doesn’t scale normally, leading to obscenely fast attack speeds
being attainable with some well timed X-Attacks
or Rapid Fire Scarfprocs
+ Incredible self-peel and mobility both with Future Sight push away and the option between double Teleport
or additional shielding with Recover
+ Able to build mega gauge passively with Recover without needing to hit players and prep it for an upcoming battle.
+ Huge big burst Unite move that can be paired with multiple other dmg buffs to become a full-team threat.
+ Very high bulk for its class.
– Relatively slow ramp up to mega form while in base form.
– Is almost pure single target output while in base form and is reliant on its skills to make said output decent before mega.
– Outranged by snipers like Decidueye and Inteleon and is able to be picked off with good aiming
– Although bulky for an attacker, it still is an attacker and can be bursted if reached. “If.”
Items: Muscle Band , Rapid Fire Scarf
, Slick Spoon
Muscle Band is a core item on any ADC for its boost in attack speed and frequent procs for great value.
Because of the unorthodox way that Mewtwo Y’s attack speed while in Mega form scales and just the general need to build up pressure gauge efficiently, Rapid Fire Scarf’s procs bring insane potential value to the character. Attack speed is multiplicative on this character, so this means external sources of attacfk speed all have double their normal value on him, since it is x100%.
Slick Spoon is one of the best held items for any special attacker, but especially one that relies on its auto attacks for dealing damage.
Wise Glasses bring great value for Psystrike and Infinite Psyburn’s damage and could potentially be replacing one of the Attack Speed items if you know you’re going to be playing Psystrike, but Rapid Fire Scarf is still great despite that. Wouldn’t recommend fully, but is worth mentioning.
Battle Item: X-Attack
Because of its reliance on auto attacks, great scalings on Infinite Psyburn and Psystrike
, high Sp.Atk stat that grows even further with pressure, shoring up your base form output and attack speed for getting to mega faster, and having enough safety tools in its kit to make it not need other battle items as much, X-Attack
shows itself to be an extremely high value pick on this character.
If you think you’ll still need the extra help with surviving though, Eject Button is still a very viable option.
Boost Emblem Loadout: 7 Red Special Auto Attacker
Mewtwo Y can benefit from a couple emblem builds in Pokemon Unite, however we recommend a Mewtwo Y specific 7 attack speed variant that leans heavily into flat Special Attack to make the most of his passive. No surprises here since the best 7 red sets also happen to be geared towards special attackers regardless.
Standard 6 Green builds also still work great here, especially if you know you’re going to play Psystrike!
About Pressure :
This is your mega gauge that gets filled by 1 increment per basic attack or expiration of Recover’s
shield and 2 per auto if Teleport’s
buff is active.
In addition to getting you closer to a 15 second long Mega Evolution that offers multiplicative attack speed with a 40% buff and a 10% buff to Sp.Atk and HP once filled all the way, each increment also gives you an additional 1.5% buff to Sp.Atk, 6% to attack speed and a 5% movement speed buff.
You need to fill 12 increments to get to mega evolution, but thanks to your ranged attacks you’ll find you have a much easier time filling your gauge than you would for Mega Mewtwo X.
Mewtwo Y’s Early Game
If you’re playing in lane staying safe and effective farm secure is important since Mewtwo Y and Mewtwo X share a weaker early game between levels 1 through 4.
Although your mega gauge increases throughout these levels, your mega evolution doesn’t come online until you’ve reached level 5, and your damage move Confusion only targets a single Pokemon and is on a 6 second cooldown.
Holding this move to secure wild Pokemon or stun ideal targets on the opposing team to set up an early gank will help you to rush to your level 5 power spike.
It’s important in the early game to avoid being caught out and allowing the opponents to get a level advantage. To avoid getting knocked out in this vulnerable stage of the game, learning to use Barrier in the right moments is key.
Barrier grants Mewtwo a shield for a short time and buffs his movements speed by 20% while it’s active, often times allowing Mewtwo to walk away from situations that would doom a squishier ADC. Barrier is on an 8 second cooldown so be sure to keep it up when you’re pushing on your opponents base or farm so you can get away safely if the jungle comes to gank the lane.
Picking your Movesets: Future Sight vs. Psystrike
Future Sight’s generally never the wrong choice here, as the shove and damage bonus is great for both self peel and increasing your own output. Future Sight also ends with a satisfying burst of damage after a set amount of time that can secure fleeing opponents that thought they got away.
The main thing that sets it apart from Psystrike is that while in base form, Future Sight allows you to continue auto attacking after casting which supports filling up the mega gauge a lot more easily than Psystrike, which locks you into its animation. Mega Evolving more frequently in unite matches will mean more overall damage output so Future Sightoffers far more synergy with your passive.
Psystrike , while a great move on its own, is generally much less efficient at helping you build megagauge. While casting Psystrike Mewtwo gets the unstoppable status and the target has their movement speed decreasedby 10% for 1 second, stacking up to 5 times.
At the end of the move you get an extra burst of damage, knocking up your target and dealing damage to all opposing Pokemon around it. Psystrike also deals more damage to the locked-on opposing Pokemon the greater the distance between you and your target.
All this utility comes at a cost of your mega gauge. You’re unable to auto attack or fill the gauge while casting this move in exchange for having a great single target damage move that lets you keep the damage up while leaving striking range while unstoppable.
This makes this move generally more appealing when used into comps that have several high CC Pokemon or very long range enemies that are able to threaten you at the ranges you’d normally be auto attacking around a lot with Future Sight.
About Infinite Psyburn
At first glance, this functions basically identical to the Mewtwo X version, but Mewtwo Y’s does significantly more damage much more easily due to the way their statlines and damage formulas work out.
You generally want to time your ult usages to be happening once the fight starts to break out and people are committed to whatever they’re doing. That way, they’re very unlikely to be able to just escape the circles and not get chunked by it. Especially if you can get it off while enemy shields are going down or your teammates can follow up on the stun or huge damage, this absolutely can be a very frequently game winning ult when timed well. Camera check around the fight to help you get more information to optimize your timing!
Even in base form, you can do some very high damage impact ults if you time them properly and the character itself has some built in means of further boosting its damage. X-Attacking before ulting is an obvious way to do it, but extra pressure gauge is also a bit of extra damage for it due to the ramping Sp.Atk and casting Teleport1
before ripping ult also gives you a juicy 20-30% damage bonus for it as well. Oftentimes, you’ll do X-Attack
> Teleport
> Infinite Psyburn
and watch several enemy death timers appear.
Infinite Psyburn also has unstoppable during the initial cast, which can be very helpful to leverage for avoiding CC or grabs in a pinch.
It can also be sort of comboed into from Future Sight , and while not a true combo with Future Sight anymore will still often help you land Infinite Psyburn for single target deletion purposes.
Alternatively Psystrike’s finisher knock up can also let you combo it into Infinite Psyburn for some really messed up guaranteed damage that’s potentially under the influence of Teleport’s damage buff if timed correctly.
Mega Mewtwo. Why.
Mewtwo Y in a sense is a the perfect ADC. Incredible safety tools that let it circumvent many of the flaws of an ADCwith a still obscenely powerful Mega form and Infinite Psyburn that singlehandedly win teamfights.
However, it has to earn its big damage output by building up its gauge enough to actually get there in time and is where much of the challenge to this character lies in.
Teleport vs. Recover
After the large nerfs to Recover’s shield and Mega gauge gain, it no longer stands as a clearly superior option to Teleport in most cases, but is still a great move in its own right if you have heavy peel support or are playing into a lower dive enemy comp. The gauge gain is still helpful in slower tempo fights or building up usually 25-50% of your gauge during farming downtimes to make getting to mega easier.
Teleport now stands here as the general “never the wrong answer move” due to its being fantastic self peel and an easy to access and large damage buff for Infinite Psyburn. Into heavier dive or when you can’t rely on your team to peel you as much, this move can help make you be borderline untouchable when used in tandem with your Future Sight or Psystrike.
General Gameplan and Building Up The Pressure Gauge Efficiently
Just.. position good and try to be able to auto as much as you can so you can fill your bar efficiently. Keep enemies at the edge of your range, don’t walk in first, and stay behind your tanks. You’ll generally be wanting to save your self peel tools for making sure that it gives you the extra damage to close out kills or when you actually need them to escape danger. You basically want to be able to be able to position yourself well for constant autos and to go the extra mile, knowing when you can time that last bit of gauge to get Mega evolution
at a decisive moment. Rapid Fire Scarf
procs can help a lot with this, as well as X Attack
for the extra attack speed if you don’t think you’ll be able to save it for Mega.
Future Sight presents itself as the generally superior move here as a result, as it lets you self peel and grants you 10% increased damage against the target. Since this move is instant, it’s a great tool to make space while you keep up the auto attacks to help build your mega gauge.
Just be sure to try to strike a good balance between using it for self peel and using it to keep your output threatening while in base form. Positioning awareness and awareness of your team’s ability to protect you at any given time so you can make reads on how likely you will be needing to use it to self peel yourself during a potential Future Sight cooldown window is key for helping you find that balance.
Move 2 also helps a ton with building gauge as well. Recover can generally just still be mashed during downtimes and in general for building free bits of gauge, especially if you’re good enough at positioning, avoiding damage to preserve your shield, or using the shield to help you survive more engagements for you to retreat safely or get more autos off. Knowing when you can get away with putting Teleport
on cooldown so you can leverage the buff for extra auto damage and doubled gauge gain on them is also important for getting to mega quickly.
Once you reach Mega form , your safety increases exponentially with increased range, AoE autos
with a potent slow, and extra bulk, which can help offset the need for expending your move cooldowns for faster gauge gain from before you become mega. You’re become a god. A monster. A force of nature. This is one of your win conditions. Enjoy it, but make sure you don’t get lose in the sauce and start positioning stupidly. If you haven’t used it already, this is also a great time to use your X Attack
for absolutely obscene attack speed and mega form also lasts long enough to where you are guaranteed to be able to fit in a Scarf
proc if you’re auoting constantly enough since Mega duration is 15s vs. Scarf’s 10s cooldown. If you can get both X-Attack and Scarf going at the same time? Oh BABY.
If you’re running Recover and are on low HP while Mega, Recover also gains especially high value as it grants you extra Spell Vamp healing off autos while the shield is up, which gains especially good value when you’re AoEing people at high speeds.
Mega Mewtwo. Why. Still.
Psystrike as a move in the context of Mewtwo Y is more suited to be used as an adaptation against comps that have high amounts of mid range CC or longer range poke that you can’t effectively fight safely with Future Sight. This is because of its unstoppable, free movement, and tracking once locked on making it better for letting you safely get off all your damage without needing to stay in auto attacking range for as long.
Teleport vs. Recover
The nerfs to Recover definitely put this move off the table for the most part when using it with Psystrike. Just play Teleport if you intend on playing Pystrike, as it synergizes with Psystrike’s gameflow much better anyway.
General Gameplan and Building Up The Pressure Gauge Efficiently
Just.. position good and try to be able to auto as much as you can so you can fill your bar efficiently. Keep enemies at the edge of your range, don’t walk in first, and stay behind your tanks. You’ll generally be wanting to save your self peel tools for making sure that it gives you the extra damage to close out kills or when you actually need them to escape danger. You basically want to be able to be able to position yourself well for constant autos and to go the extra mile, knowing when you can time that last bit of gauge to get Mega evolution
at a decisive moment. Rapid Fire Scarf
procs can help a lot with this, as well as X Attack
for the extra attack speed if you don’t think you’ll be able to save it for Mega.
This means that especially in base form, you actually want to be especially thoughtful about when you click Psystrike instead of just always clicking it for fun or immediate damage, as the time you spend in Psystrikeis time that you could’ve spent auto attacking
building gauge instead at the cost of some damage. Try to save it for finishing enemies about to leave your range, using it as a defensive tool to avoid CC or means of safely getting off damage while retreating out of auto range, or when you think you’ll get big value out of its AoE CC finisher. Even when you mega evolve
, if you’re in auto attacking range and holding down that A button, then you’ll likely be losing out on possible DPS by clicking Psystrike
during this time.
Very important to know that you can cast Teleport during Psystrike, which is great for Psystrikebecause of Teleport’s damage buff as well as creating distance to further boost Psystrike’s damage. Once things get dicey or you need to finish a straggler off, do Psystrike
> Teleport
to be able to retreat to safety while still pumping out damage via Psystrike.
Alternatively, if you think you can get away with putting your Teleport on cooldown for faster gauge gain, you can Teleport 1
in or to the side > do some autos
that have the 2x gauge gain > Psystrike
for extra damage > Teleport 2
back to a safer position. This is especially helpful for surprising longer range characters with Psystrike’s damage and this set in particular really wants you to be able to know when you can use Teleport for faster gauge gain instead of as a defensive tool for getting to mega efficiently since you don’t have Future Sight to help out your base form output.
Also note that Psystrike’s finisher orb’s juicy AoE explosion and stun can be prevented if an enemy player body blocks it far enough away from its target. Be sure to account for that in your movement and positioning while Psystriking to ensure that doesn’t happen.
Once you reach Mega form , your safety increases exponentially with increased range, AoE autos
with a potent slow, and extra bulk, which can help offset the need for expending your move cooldowns for faster gauge gain from before you become mega. You’re become a god. A monster. A force of nature. This is one of your win conditions. Enjoy it, but make sure you don’t get lose in the sauce and start positioning stupidly. If you haven’t used it already, this is also a great time to use your X Attack
for absolutely obscene attack speed and mega form also lasts long enough to where you are guaranteed to be able to fit in a Scarf
proc if you’re auoting constantly enough since Mega duration is 15s vs. Scarf’s 10s cooldown. If you can get both X-Attack and Scarf going at the same time? Oh BABY.
These are Pokémon that our team has determined MEWTWO Y is strong against. MEWTWO Y will generally be able to shut down these opponents playstyle's or have the advantage in a one on one fight.
These are Pokémon that our team has determined MEWTWO Y is weak against. These Pokémon will have the upper hand in a fight or be able to exploit MEWTWO Y's weaknesses.
PSA: THE GUIDE IS NO LONGER MANAGED OR UPDATED IN ANY FORM, AND WILL NOT BE FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE. Joe thanks everyone for their support (and ad revenue ;) ) and hope the site helped improve their play and hopes you kids enjoy your lives. We encourage you to use the information here in combination with Unite-DB and Mathcord as a jumping off point for your own builds.
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