+ High bulk for both an Attacker and an assassin, makes Miraidon hard to knock out
+ High uptime of damage output allows for high uptime of Curse debuff application with Charge Beam + Thunder
+ Hindrance Resistance on both Lv5 moves and ult make its offense hard to stop
+ Beam has long range and pierces, allowing Miraidon to hit the backline through its tanks
+ Drift deals massive burst damage and provides especially great mobility starting at lv7 and especially lv11
+ Great pad diving abilities on Drift thanks to Hadron Engine pretty much applying a Curse item debuff on the enemy pad’s healing
+ Fight-swinging Unite move that threatens divers and backline alike
– Long cooldowns, especially on pre-lv7 Electro Drift, coupled with lacking basic attacks
– Very immobile and susceptible to dives on Beam/Thunder set
– Hadron Engine consuming your points no matter what can mess up a push, especially after Rayquaza
– Boosted Electro Drift’s Sure-Hit can be hard to control, sometimes sending you too far into the enemy’s lines of defense
– Electro Drift hitbox is quite unforgiving
– Doesn’t fully come online until level 7, especially on Electro Drift sets
Build + Gameplay
Slick Spoon :
As with most other special attackers, turns out being able to just ignore part of your enemy’s Special Defense is kind of really good. The little bit of extra HP is also appreciated on an Attacker that is only barely less bulky than Sylveon. Applies to all of his constant damage, including his basic attacks.
Wise Glasses :
Miraidon’s very high base Sp. Attack stat, making Wise’s % increase a substantial boost without any risk of stacking involved.
Curse Incense :
Mostly optimal on Charge Beam/Thunder sets, but still definitely passable on Drift as well. Charge Beam’s constant long-lasting blast and Thunder’s lingering hitbox make that Curse debuff have near endless application, and synergizes very nicely with Hadron Engine’s passive ability to lower pad healing as well.
Shell Bell :
Due to the increased cooldowns on the Drift/Parabolic set, CDR is now paramount to maintaining efficient recharging of your Drifts, and the more empowered dashes you can get the more plays you can make. The heal proc also synergizes rather nicely with the healing and shield given by Parabolic, so ice to bolster that passively.
Energy Amplifier :
Same reason above for why CDR is so important on the Drift set now, with the addition of providing nice burst with your ult meteors. You can cancel the channel early after one or two meteors and carry the dmg buff over into a Drift combo, if desired.
Honorable Mention – Choice Specs :
Mostly desired on Electro Drift sets where the instant burst is more favorable for the in-n-out assassination flow of the set, but the ranged poke power it provides to Beam is also appreciated. This also helps laning phase with securing contested wild farm, just hard to not get value out of this item.
This passive is weird man.
Upon hitting an opponent with its Hadron Engine gauge filled (takes 30s to fill) using a move, Miraidon will summon a circular electric zone centered on its position at the time the move hits the target for 10 seconds. While inside the terrain:
-Miraidon deals 30% more damage with moves;
-Miraidon’s teammates deal 10% more dmg with moves;
-Allies cannot fall asleep.
Additionally, ally goal zones inside Electric Terrain get a 30% boost to their healing capabilities, while the opposite (30% debuff) applies to enemy goal zones inside of it.
Miraidon’s moves interact in odd ways with Hadron Engine, which I’ll get into in the movesets’ own sections. What’s important, however, is the fact that activating Hadron Engine consumes all of your held points, up to 30; the more points are spent, the larger the terrain is.
Additionally, moves that activate Hadron Engine will be boosted by it.
Early game you want to try to line up Thundershock to hit both the first farm you want to secure and an opposing player; if this is done correctly, Thundershock will be boosted by Hadron Engine and make it easier to secure said farm. From there, you want to play for secure, as pre-5 Miraidon can’t really fight well.
From 5, you can start to play more scrappy, especially with Charge Beam, since that set’s stronger at lv5-6 than Electro Drift due to having significantly more uptime, Drift really relies on Parabolic Charge to smooth out its cycles.
Level 7 (center birds) onwards is when you REALLY start to go ham, with your full kit online. 9 is a massive spike thanks to the strength of Bright Future Meteor Storm, and 11 is an EXTREMELY important spike for Drift, but I’ll get into that later. From 7 on you want to focus on taking down the frailer targets, whether it’s through their frontline with Beam or directly with Drift. On Drift, keep in mind you can also attempt to secure objectives.
Miraidon’s Unite Move – Bright Future Meteor Storm
This is one of the best ults in the game. Upon pressing the ult button, 10% of Miraidon’s UNITE gauge is consumed, spending an extra 30% for every meteor; meteors #4 and #5 do not consume any gauge (as it’s empty by that point). Each meteor can freely be aimed inside the ult’s radius (similarly to Chandelure’s Overheat), and hitting a meteor increases the damage of the next one by 10%. ADDITIONALLY, the fifth and final meteor has a larger radius and knocks up any opponent hit. This allows Miraidon to potentially punish divers by hitting them hard and potentially killing them before they KO it.
What’s cool is Miraidon can cancel this ult at any time, possibly to just throw out 1 or 2 meteors for quick burst and ult buffs and then going ham with your main kit. Also for some reason this ult makes Miraidon hindrance resistant, which means unless you have a grab like Buzzwole’s or a gameplay button like Slowbro’s Unite you cannot forcibly interrupt Miraidon.
Moveset 1 - Best
Miraidon’s Charge Beam has it charge a quick shot, sort of like a much weaker but faster Spirit Shackle and boosting your Sp.Atk. by 10 % (stacking twice) for a bit; however, if you hit this move twice in a certain timeframe, a boosted Charge Beam becomes available, turning Miraidon Hindrance Resistant and continuously hitting in a far-reaching line, sort of like a thinner but MUCH longer Sylveon Hyper Voice; this is, of course, amazing alongside Curse Incense.
Thunder, on the other hand, summons a circle which will be struck by lightning every second, slowing and damaging enemies struck by it. This, of course, also goes hand-in-hand with Incense, making this set’s damage VERY hard to heal off.
Your gameplan is to play in the backline of your team, trying to ready your boosted Charge Beam to take out one of the enemy team’s key targets and/or chunk their frontline hard while also using Thunder to apply Curse, deter dives, or simply make it easier to hit Charge Beam.
Hitting Charge Beam with a full Hadron gauge will spawn electric terrain right below Miraidon, making it easy to profit off of the damage boost.
Also, the Sp.Atk. boost isn’t limited to Charge Beam’s damage; it also helps Thunder, or in certain scenarios ult, turning it into even more of a nuke.
KEEP IN MIND YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY FORM OF SELF PEEL BEYOND THUNDER’S MEAGER SLOW: play with your tanks or you’ll easily be dived and KO’d.
Additionally, Charge Beam Miraidon lacks any sort of secure, generally you’ll want to try to burn down farm like Altaria groups quick with your superior AoE before it can be contested, rather than try to last hit over an enemy. Your best idea around objectives to try and zone the enemy team off with your range and lingering hitboxes, either to try and deter them from stealing while your team rips or to threaten a wipe alongside the rest of your team.
Moveset 2
Whereas Thunder Beam fits Miraidon’s assigned Attacker role to a T, Electro Drift + Parabolic Charge turns it into a full-on speedster, threatening absurd burst damage and sporting great mobility, although with bulk unusual for an assassin thanks to its base stats and Parabolic Charge.
Electro Drift’s base version is a basic dash, with good damage but a hitbox that’s stricter than it looks, and a VERY long cooldown. In exchange for this downside, however, its boosted version is a sure-hit with GIGANTIC range and OBSCENE damage, that hits every target that happens to be in the way of Miraidon’s dash. Also you’re Hindrance Resistant during the startup of both dashes cause why not.
Electro Drift’s cooldown downside is mediated through Parabolic Charge; this move hits around Miraidon, dealing a fair bit of damage while also healing Miraidon a bit and MOST IMPORTANTLY giving Miraidon a FULL CHARGE of its other move on hit. Yeah it’s kind of crazy.
Similarly to Mystical Fire Delphox, this set hits another MASSIVE spike at level 11, with Electro Drift+, which reduces the move’s cooldown by a whopping FOUR SECONDS. 13 is also nice, as on top of everything it already does Parabolic Charge+ gives you a significant shield (even if the move misses!!!).
While dashing with Electro Drift you can buffer a Parabolic Charge or Electro Drift input, making Miraidon able to quickly chain attacks to output terrifying damage. To this end, you may want to hold onto your boosted Electro Drift, as your cooldown on unboosted Drift still ticks down even with a boosted ready. With Parabolic Charge and Drift+, this can lead to disgusting combos like Boosted Drift->Drift->Parabolic Charge->Drift->Boosted Drift, which can KO even frailer All-Rounders from full if executed properly. Be wary however of the walls at the top/bottom of the map, as boosted Drift-ing into them can sometimes push you slightly to the left or right, throwing your buffers off. You can also combo Drift off of the last meteor of ult if you’re quick with it, which can lead to big clumps of the enemy team getting ran over for massive damage.
This set’s burst allows Miraidon to play for objective secures on top of also fighting the enemy team like with Beam; just be wary of your cooldowns.
What’s weird with this set is how it interacts with Hadron Engine: of course, it’ll always get the bonus damage on the hit that summons the terrain; however, subsequent uses of Drift will only get the damage boost if the move FINISHES inside the terrain, regardless of where the target is and where Miraidon started the move.
Favourable Matchup:
These are Pokémon that our team has determined MIRAIDON is strong against. MIRAIDON will generally be able to shut down these opponents playstyle's or have the advantage in a one on one fight.
These are Pokémon that our team has determined MIRAIDON is weak against. These Pokémon will have the upper hand in a fight or be able to exploit MIRAIDON's weaknesses.
PSA: THE GUIDE IS NO LONGER MANAGED OR UPDATED IN ANY FORM, AND WILL NOT BE FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE. Joe thanks everyone for their support (and ad revenue ;) ) and hope the site helped improve their play and hopes you kids enjoy your lives. We encourage you to use the information here in combination with Unite-DB and Mathcord as a jumping off point for your own builds.
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