+ Very strong early game secure in Leafage when used in point blank range
+ Able to shred wild farm down with Hone Claws for fast clearing or quickly getting it in secure range for Leafage
+ Maintains very strong secure power with Flower Trick’s high base power and % missing HP execute damage
+ Extremely mobile
+ Very safe and able to play non-committal with baiting out reactions with Double Team and poking with ranged bombs, something very few assassins can say
+ Severely busted passive that can turn a certain failure into a ridiculous invisible outplay and full on teamwipe
+ Very low cooldown Unite move that synergizes very well with said broken passive
– Relatively late power spike with getting first main move at level 6
– Somewhat screwed up by bushes in being unable to apply flower bombs to targets not in vision
– Difficult to disengage or have an exit plan if using Double Team clone swap to go in
– Unable to alter trajectory of Unite move without the use of Eject, leaves you out in the open for a fair bit of time
Flower Team – Flower Trick + Double Team
Attack Weight :
Surprise, the assassin with great ratios wants to stack to have easier kill windows! We’ve heard this song before. The ideal combo of placing Flower Trick > boosted basic > clone swap thrown somewhere in there > empowered bomb explosion is a 475% total ratio. In addition, your Unite move(provided all ticks land) is a 910% TOTAL SCALING. Grass kitty is more than mobile enough to stack efficiently, just stack.
Razor Claw :
Razor’s procs add a nice chunk of burst to Meowscarada’s natural playflow of how engages go, since placing a flower bomb primes the Razor proc, and the ensuing boosted basic procs it. Same process applies for activating Double Team clone, you can send one in and if you choose to do a swap to go in, the swap action will proc Razor and your next basic right next to them will be extra chunky. There won’t always be situations where you have the liberty to fit a basic attack in, which will lower the value of this item over others, but in backline flank cases it can help hit kill thresholds a lot.
Energy Amplifier :
Unite move being on a 100 sec cooldown is already pretty good grounds for Amp consideration, but combine that with the aforementioned 910% scaling of the move as well as the potential for passive to buff that even further by 1.2x, Amp turns this thing into a literal meat grinder that can be used VERY often. Very influential pick especially for a jungle playmaking carry.
Charging Charm :
Same idea as Razor Claw here with adding sizeable burst into your rotation, except without the requirement to connect a basic attack. Charm’s proc applies to move damage as well, so you can in theory just place a flower bomb on someone and let it proc on that alone, and you walk away from the huge explosion like an action movie. It won’t proc *as often* as Razor might, however the proc itself is larger and can be procced safely. Good synergy for an assassin that works on % missing HP damage like Flower Trick.
Honorable Mention – Weakness Policy :
This works in tandem with Attack Weight in fully investing in raw attack stat boosting, for maximum scaling damage and teamfight focus. Especially when slotted with Amp, your job is teamfighting with Weakness, taking a few ambient hits here and there (leveraging your broken passive to keep you alive), and funnelling all that sweet attack stat into that giant Unite move. Alot of Meow players are opting for this route especially when early game is being handled well enough by an Eevee brigade to not have to worry about that.
Battle Item: Eject Button
Night Slash-specific Items:
Muscle Band and Scope Lens
This moveset lives and dies (literally) by its basic attack output. Now that Muscle’s internal cooldown has been removed, there is no limit to the number of procs Meow can get even with all the attack speed buffs from Trailblaze, which gives him very strong farm/objective ripping power and bulky enemy shredding.
Scope Lens is THE INTEGRAL item for this build, bar none. A lot of people just see Scope as an item that give crit rate, but forget that it also has an additional damage proc that occurs every time a basic attack crits. THIS is where Scope’s main output comes from, and since Meow’s crit rate is through the roof on Night Slash marked targets, the number of these huge procs is also through the roof. This greatly improves the DPS and lowers the time-to-kill when engaging on a target, which this set tends to struggle with if RNG is not very kind to it.
About Overgrow:
This is a silly passive that can bail you out of a ton of bad situations and you should be aware of its 40s CD because of how strong its effects are.
When at 50% HP or less, the next hit you take will stealth you for 1.5s and give you .5s of invincibility. Use this to escape to safety or do some foul juke. If you opt to use this offensively, note that for 4s after this passive activates, you will also do 20% extra damage and heal 20% of your damage dealt.
It overall gives you a layer of safety that can let you get away with a lot of criminal activity. Adjust your limits and plays accordingly to when this move is off cooldown. You can check the bottom right corner of your screen to see if it’s on cooldown.
About Boosted Auto:
Meowscarada’s boosted auto is on a timer. Instead of getting one every 3rd auto like most other characters, you will passively get one every 5 seconds indicated by the purple meter underneath your HP bar. Aside from the obvious of giving you more damage, this boosted auto also functions as a dash that pounces onto whatever it targets. Its range will be indicated by the little circle around the cat when you hold down the auto attack button.
That dash is pretty handy for extra gapclosing or sticking power if you’re aware of when it’s up. Especially in a laning context, you can also use it to help you escape danger if you have a farm to pounce on to while running away. You can also go over walls with it if your target is behind a wall and still in rage. Since it puts you so close to the target, they’re in prime position to get hit by a Double Team recast or Leafage.
When going for quicker burst damage kills, you do also want to try to time your dives with when your boosted auto is going to be up to get the extra damage and sticking power needed to reliably close out kills.
About Sprigatito and Floragato :
Despite not learning a new move until you become a Meowscarada at level 6, these two cats are also very capable of holding their own and making their impact in the earlygame.
The Floragato spike also happens at 4. This means that you can opt to level 4 gank with this Pokemon if you’re starting in jungle if you want to sacrifice the extra EXP for a quicker surprise gank to punish the enemy laners being pushed up or to establish your presence sooner and prevent aggression through that. It also means you can effectively run this Pokemon with a second 4 gank like Sylveon, Leafeon, or Espeon for some split jungle shenanigans.
Here’s some ways to go about it:
Leafage offers some of the highest earlygame burst damage in the game when you hit it point blank and hit all 4 leaves. On anything hit, it also leaves a pretty potent 50% slow for 2.5s (make your local Dodrio player cry with this). Just keep in mind that the leaves can be bodyblocked, so you can still lose farm to laners who know to go for that when safe to do so. Coordinating with your lane partner to drag farm away or ripping it out very quickly to prevent bodyblocks is important. Since Leafage also still hits players hard, you can sometimes also opt to try to go for the kill on the enemy laner if they bodyblock it and get chunked.
Hone Claws is a dash that gives a hefty boost to your attack speed and auto attack damage on your next 3 autos. Use this to make sure you can rip farm out quicker, go for the kill, or just as a mobility tool to live. If your boosted auto is up, Hone Claws into a boosted auto can be deceptively great burst mobility for that point of the game.
Especially if you’re hiding in a bush while jungle ganking, you can very effectively quickly catch something off guard if you choose a good opening and play to your razor procs.
Standard Sprigatito/Floragato burst combos for picking off weakened or squishy laners would be:
How to Play:
If you’re not afraid of learning, this is the premier Meowscarada moveset to play. Flower Team Meowscarada excels at using its clones to play a tricky, non-committal hit-and-run game that still has all the big burst kills and resets you want out an assassin. The clones of Double Team can safely scout vision while giving Meowscarada openings to jump its targets with if the opportunity is presented. Depending on how you send the clone, you can also play mind games with the clone or use it as an escape tool after poking in some damage. Lots of outplay potential!
General Gameplan:
This moveset doesn’t often get particularly high damage numbers, as the times it does damage are high burst and sometimes not very frequent. It doesn’t really lend itself to doing high numbers in the results screen, so please do not think you’re doing poorly just because you didn’t do high numbers.
Many people would describe this set as a trickster and assassin. Double Team is excellent mobility with all sorts of applications for outplaying, damaging, and escaping. While many assassins don’t like it when their presence is revealed too early, Flower Team Meowscarada is one of the ones that can play off that very well and can even actively look to play to it thanks to the hit and run playmaking the set provides.
During the midgame outside of teamfights, you often want to be roaming the map when not farming your side scouting out vision, trying to steal enemy farm with Flower Trick’s excellent secure and looking for backcaps to get a score lead. When applicable, you can go for a burst combo to pick off a squishy or finish off stragglers, or just hit and run with a boosted Flower Trick to chunk an enemy and get away. Keeping track of Overgrow and Double Team’s cooldowns is a great skill to have here as well, since it can have a big impact on how aggressive you can get away with being.
Once it comes time to teamfight, you generally want to be playing off to the sides on flank positions looking to pick off their carries and get vision. Double Team is excellent as a low-commitment means of gathering vision since the clones get vision and can bush check for you. Sometimes, you can repeatedly send in clones while a big fight is going on to pepper in some stuns or make the enemies be wary of your presence while you look for a better opportunity to go in yourself. Other times, you want to keep yourself hidden like a traditional assassin so you can find a cleaner opportunity to pick off your squishy or weakened targets that way.
Floral Flourish is great for its surprise burst mobility and huge damage with a fast cooldown. You can use it to punish a team that’s grouped up too hard once some of their resources are burned up, as a mobility tool that you can cancel soon after casting, and/or to ensure that your targets die. A Floral Flourish > Flower Trick 2 combo can do absolutely massive damage to objectives and less squishy targets.
Flower Team Meowscarada is also fantastic at securing objective. While its rip is pretty spotty without having to potentially compromise your Flower Trick’s cooldown for the last hit, Flower Trick 2 is a fantastic secure on objectives and farm alike, especially if you can use it in tandem with the burst damage of Double Team.
There’s a lot of meat to this character’s skills. To first understand how to combo and micro outplay with this character, we’ll first go over how each move works exactly.
About Flower Trick:
Is a move that requires set up. You set the flower bomb on your target via its sure hit cast. You can recast the move to detonate the flower bomb early and it’ll automatically detonate after 5s regardless of if you’re dead or alive.
Both casts of Flower Trick also have a startup animation that roots you for a very short time, which can very occasionally affect your ability to gapclose or run away or you can be CC’d out of it if you’re not careful. It’s generally not a concern, but is a consideration when you’re limit testing.
The detonation has an boosted version that does significantly more damage and a better AoE.. All what you need to do to get the boosted Flower Trick is to just hit the target once yourself (can be with ANYTHING) and you’ll hear a loud sound effect on hit with the flower bomb over their head getting all chunky and bloated. Meowscarada combos are built around making sure that you can safely get the enhanced Flower Trick, since it’s where much of this set’s damage output is from.
Regardless of whether or not its boosted, Flower Trick also has a hefty bonus 15% missing HP damage. While it has a 1000 cap against wild Pokemon, it’s uncapped against players. This makes Flower Trick do noticeably more damage the lower HP your target is and makes even unboosted Flower Tricks be great at finishing off low HP farm or enemies. The game also rewards you for doing this well by giving you a cooldown reset on Flower Trick’s already low CD if you kill with the detonation. For optimum damage and big playmaking potential, you want to try to time your Flower Trick recasts to be later in the combo where your target is at low HP to maximize damage.
Even with the missing HP damage being capped against wild Pokemon, a boosted Flower Trick is also still a top notch objective secure with very high burst damage and no tick diffs.
Bear in mind that the cooldown of Flower Trick doesn’t start ticking down until the flower bomb is detonated, so if you know you won’t get a good value flower trick then feel free to recast it immediately so you can get a new one sooner.
The detonation of Flower Trick can also be dashed or ejected away from if timed precisely, so you may need to delay the cast slightly if you think someone’s about to eject away from you.
Another handy bit about this move is that if the target the flower bomb is on dies before it’s detonated, it will detonate on its own and still hurt whatever happens to be in the AoE. This makes fighting grouped up enemies that your teammates are also attacking a little more forgiving. Mainly applicable for comboing with ult and randomly stealing some bees if you get it on a Swablu.
About Double Team:
Double Team has unique controls. The direction Meowscarada (YOU!!) dashes is controlled by the direction of your movement stick, just like Dodrio’s sprint auto attacks. The right stick aim controls the direction the clone runs out at. Upon use, you’ll get a very noticeable decaying speed boost. The clone takes 30% more damage (20% at the + version) and will run at a near enough target. It can see into bushes as well! If there’s no enemy or farm in the clone’s range, it will just stand there until there is one. No matter what though, the clones won’t do any attacks of their own.
When you’re within a certain distance of the clone, you can swap places with the clone leaving a small AoE explosion around you and where the clone is that does good burst damage and stuns. The clones will also explode and do its damage if it gets killed normally by enemies who attack it, making it a pretty punishing thing to get baited by. Certain big sure hit ults like Slowbeam and Play With Me… can also target the clone, though it refunds 90% of its cooldown.
The stun the clone explosion provides is very critical for ensuring that you can consistently set up your Flower Trick combos safely. Without it, you’re at more risk of getting blown up by a fast CC move or defensive option while you get Flower Trick set up.
Unlike Flower Trick, Double Team’s cooldown also starts the moment you first use it, so there’s no need to worry about forcing yourself to use the recast to get the cooldown started faster. If your clone naturally expires, your Double Team will already be nearing the end of its cooldown.
This move is your main means of getting your offense started. Here are some of the basic possibilities for offensively using the move:
On top of leveraging the mind gaming potential to mess with your enemies, Double Team also provides many other utilities such as..
And here’s some mind game ideas and general ideals to have in mind for breaking people’s ankles:
About UNITE Move; Floral Flourish :
The initial cast of this move is pretty much a diet Eject Button. You can go over most walls with it and that initial blink has some iframes during this portion that you can sometimes use to dodge a big attack. For three seconds after that, Meowscarada will slowly walk forward in the same direction you dashed while having a big AoE storm of petals around it that shreds everything inside it.
Very notably, a hit of Floral Flourish can also prime Flower Trick, which can set up some very nasty burst combos or objective rip and flip.
Eject Button can be used mid ult to change the direction that Meowscarada is walking in, which can be absolutely critical for avoiding danger while making sure that you keep your targets inside its AoE. You can also cancel this move pretty soon after starting it, so you can still easily still leverage that to stay mobile or get out of a scuffed ult as needed. The ult buffs contain an 80% movespeed buff and 20% max HP shield, which has great utility in its own right.
For what its worth, each hit also reduces the cooldown of Flower Trick/Night Slash by 1 second per enemy hit. The the moves have low enough cooldowns to where this generally doesn’t matter but it can sometimes come in clutch during sustained fights after you just used Flower Trick. Especially, if it’s in tandem with canceling it early, this can be a neat means of getting extra Flower Tricks in.
Despite some of the limitations it might have, Floral Flourish’s dash and sheer damage output makes it a great playmaker when used well. Uses of this ult include:
Meowscarada ✨ Combo ✨ Theory:
If you read the earlier sections, then you should know that Meowscarada combos that have the intent to kill things or do a lot of damage revolve around fiding ways to prime and unleash a boosted Flower Trick.
Making sure that you’re able to weave in a Razor Claw proc or two is also very important for getting things low enough for the kill. Razor Claw has a 1.5s internal cooldown, meaning that you need to wait that long between skill casts to get another proc from it. Sometimes you can do this to really maximize damage, but oftentimes you can’t afford to do that.
The timing of when you can do the first cast of Flower Trick and how wel you can get away after will also be very affected by if you’ve learned the + version at level 11 or not. Flower Trick 1’s cast range is increased significantly once you hit level 11 and you also get a small speed boost after doing it, which can let you place Flower Trick 1 earlier in the combo more easily.
How you use your Double Team will also affect your the nature of your play and the combos you can do. Some combos you do will end up sacrificing damage for safety. Others are higher commitment and may need utilizing your Eject Button or Floral Flourish to stay safe or keep the pressure on after your initial move.
Boosted auto’s cooldown is also something to account for. Its a great addition to your burst damage and a lucky crit on it is nuclear. The gapclosing property also puts you in prime position for helping stick to your targets without expending Double Team’s or Eject Button or being close enough to Double Team recast yourself out while still getting the hit.
Although I’ll be listing some more explicit combos as ideas to get the ball rolling, Meowscarada combos will often be more freeflow based on whatever’s going on and available at the time. It’s important to understand the applications of your moves and timings to be able to do nice freeflow combos after some practice and getting a sense for it, so PLEASE do not sweat memorizing all of these.
A typical, basic Meowscarada combo when you intend to quickly kill a squishy off a flank will probably be one of these or something like it:
If you value having some extra safety on deck and want to play a hit and run game, you can opt to shorten some a combo like one of the ones above and/or use your Double Team differently. You can do so by either sending the clone away so you can use the recast to get to the clone’s safer position (and still hit your target with the explosion if you’re close to them after a boosted auto) or just leverage Double Team’s movement to get away instead. Eject Button can also just bail you out of things or for quick gapcloses; it’s a big part of why it’s so good on the character but obviously a big commitment to do so.
More explicitly safety focused combos examples include:
If you manage to gapclose without the help of Double Team or don’t go in with a clone up, then a lot of other neat freeflow options also open up. Here’s some ideas:
Floral Flourish is also still a great part of your team fighting repertoire for its very high group and rip damage. You generally weave Floral Flourish into most combos as needed whenever when you needs its movement/iframes utilities for staying on a target or need the extra damage. If you’re going for that seamless automatic Flower Trick detonation kill, just bear in mind that the ult should be timed later into the combo or at least 1-2 seconds after Flower Trick 1 is casted.
Anyways, some example Floral Flourish specific combos:
About Trailblaze:
Some people really like going Trailblaze instead and it’s not without reason, as it’s still a plenty functional set and can even be great when picked into squishier low CC matchups where you can chain resets much more reliably.
Trailblaze’s dash is illegally long when being done for a bush, which can open up different opportunities for getting yourself onto longer range or faster characters where Double Team might have a harder time. Trailblaze’s cooldown also resets upon getting a kill or assist in general, which means more potential mobility in the heat of a fight and if you get the last hit on an enemy with Flower Trick, both of your move’s CDs are reset.
This sounds amazing on paper, but Double Team’s utilities are VERY stiff competition and more importantly, the stun the recast/explosion provides is huge for consistently getting your targets. Pokemon Unite is often a game of seconds, and not even full seconds at that. The stun duration of Double Team ensures a window where your target can’t fight back Meowscarada’s squishy frame and that you can consistently set up and detonate Flower Trick. The small delays you get from casting Flower Trick, priming it, and recasting it do add up and Double Team covers it up very nicely.
It’s very plausible that something like Delphox can drop its Fire Spin, Ninetales to get off its Blizzard, or perhaps Mew using Mystical Mirage or Surf in the time it takes you to get everything going after Trailblazing in and turn the tables on you. For that reason, Trailblaze is only the best choice or in contention for it very situationally.
While you certainly can play around cooldowns like those better, it makes you more reliant on your teammates to get those them out for you. Why do all that when you can just pick Double Team, a move that can give you a way out if things don’t look good or lets Meowscarada itself contribute to baiting people into forcing out those resource. Especially in the soloq clownfiesta, so many players very easily fall for Double Team clones.
A big strength of Flower Trick is also its ability to be detonated and do big burst damage if you get yourself in a safe spot after priming it. Trailblaze being a single big dash doesn’t let you play to that strength particularly well unless you happen to get an assist or kill from elsewhere giving you another Trailblaze to dash away with after priming Flower Trick.
Bruh the moveset 1 writeup got me tired
Idk man just jump on people and hold A and hope they don’t have cc or a cleanse. The Night Slash mark can be Full Heal’d off and make you lose all your crits, it’s very annoying. Stick to bushes as much as you can to make Trailblaze reach further and make your engages less reactable. Not much to say here just run this set if you don’t feel like thinking enough to be good at Flower Trick Double Team.
These are Pokémon that our team has determined MEOWSCARADA is strong against. MEOWSCARADA will generally be able to shut down these opponents playstyle's or have the advantage in a one on one fight.
These are Pokémon that our team has determined MEOWSCARADA is weak against. These Pokémon will have the upper hand in a fight or be able to exploit MEOWSCARADA's weaknesses.
PSA: THE GUIDE IS NO LONGER MANAGED OR UPDATED IN ANY FORM, AND WILL NOT BE FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE. Joe thanks everyone for their support (and ad revenue ;) ) and hope the site helped improve their play and hopes you kids enjoy your lives. We encourage you to use the information here in combination with Unite-DB and Mathcord as a jumping off point for your own builds.
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